Thursday, October 8, 2020

Harris/Pence "debate" Oct. 7, 2020

Pence showed skill at avoiding questions and making bland comments that everything is okay because of the current administration "unleashing" (his favorite word of the night) of everyone and everything, especially regulations.  He was essentially saying that leadership in the current pandemic was not required because of the administration's faith in the American people. Pence said, among other things, that Trump "reveres" our military, though he did not deny that Trump had called members of the military "suckers and losers."  He said that the president believes in insurance for those with pre-existing conditions, even thought the administration is trying to get the Affordable Care Act declared unconstitutional, and said that the administration had a better and cheaper version of healthcare, even though the president has been saying this for five years and no plan has ever been actually prepared.  And Pence said there was no way Trump could support white supremacy and anti-Semitism because he has Jewish grandchildren!  And, of course, Pence dodged the question of climate change, saying that there was bad forest management in California and that there are no more hurricanes than there were one hundred years ago.

Harris effectively emphasized foreign policy, saying that the current administration has "betrayed our friends and embraced our enemies" and healthcare, pointing out that the current administration wants to gut the Affordable Care act in the midst of a pandemic.  Harris also said that the Biden administration would not increase taxes on anyone earning under $400,000, though she could have explained more carefully how they were going to repeal the president's "tax cut" without affecting anyone other than the wealthy and corporations.  And as far as jobs go the current administration will end up with fewer jobs than they started with.  Harris also said that changes need to be made in our justice system while Pence said he "had trust" in it.

Harris kept her cool, getting somewhat amused by Pence's lies and evasions, though I might have preferred her to call him out more.

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