Friday, October 2, 2020

Biden/Trump Debate Sept. 29, 2020

 This so-called debate was a depressing performance: Trump could not stop interrupting with irrelevancies and moderator Chris Wallace couldn't do much to moderate things.  A couple of points:

1. Trump asserted he paid "millions of dollars" in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017 but still will not release his tax forms, even though his own IRS commissioner says that he can do so.

2. Trump suggested Biden is not "smart" because of his relationship with Delaware State, an historical Black college where Biden has received support.  It is unclear what Trump actually meant here -- Biden went to the University of Delaware -- but Trump has threatened to sue the University of Pennsylvania if they release transcripts of his own time there to anyone.

3. Trump went back again and again to asking about money given to Biden's son Hunter by the wife of the mayor of Moscow, as though that had anything to do with Joe Biden.  When Biden mentioned his late son Beau, who served in Iraq, Trump said he didn't know Beau but did know Hunter and asked about him once again, falsely claiming Hunter had received a dishonorable discharge from the army.

4.  Trump claimed Biden has received no endorsement from any law enforcement organizations  This is not surprising, since these organizations have a history of covering up for and supporting the worst behavior of police officers.

5. Biden accurately said the nation is "weaker, sicker, poorer, more violent and more divided" than it was before Trump became President.

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