Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Donald Trump on 60 Minutes.

Mike Wallace, where are you when we need you?
Leslie Stahl mostly lobbed softball questions to Trump and his family and even then Trump mostly avoided answering, even if it meant contradictions:  he said gay marriage was "settled" so it didn't matter what he thought, while on the other hand Roe vs. Wade might be overturned.  He also claims to have a plan to defeat ISIS but won't tell us what it is, shades of Nixon's "secret" plan to end the war in Vietnam.  Speaking of Nixon, there were some dismayed by the election of Nixon who moved to Canada, just as some are doing now that Trump has been elected. This also happened with the elections of Reagan and the Bushes but even Nixon did some good things, including abolishing the draft and improving our relationship with China.  And, of course, there was Lyndon Johnson, who won by portraying Barry Goldwater as a warmonger and then led us into Vietnam.

Trump seems to be using the slogan "America First" without apparently any knowledge of the Committee of that name that tried to keep us out of WWII; the pro-German Charles Lindbergh was the spokesperson for that group, which disbanded after Pearl Harbor.  When Stahl told Trump that his supporters were starting to attack Hispanics, African-Americans and Muslims he said he was sorry to hear that and they should "stop it," though he did not apologize for his statements that had caused and encouraged this.  Meanwhile Trump is backpedaling on his campaign promises to build a wall on the Mexican border, deport illegal immigrants and abolish Obamacare.  What surprises me most about those who voted for Trump is that many believed his demagogic promises even though Trump is well known for his dissembling. 

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