Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Presidential Debate Oct. 9, 2016

The revelation of more Trump lewdness was no surprise, even if one had not seen Michael Kirk's Frontline Choice 2016, which revealed that in military school Trump's heroes were Hugh Hefner, James Bond and Clint Eastwood; this has apparently not changed since he "grew up."  And Trump's major mentor was Roy Cohn, the ultra-sleazy investigator for Joe McCarthy, who taught Trump to never settle and to always declare victory, regardless of the outcome.  Trump's supposed "locker room banter" was unlike anything I had ever heard in a locker room, aside from the fact that it did not take place in a locker room, a place Trump has probably seldom seen.

The "debate" was unfortunately rather devoid of policy discussions, though Trump did say that he would abolish Obamacare and replace it with competitive insurance across state lines, though how this would help those who can't afford health insurance is not clear.  Trump did say that single-payer healthcare would be a disaster because Canadians, who have single-payer, sometimes come to America for operations, if they can afford it!  Give him credit for at least not using the term "socialized medicine" in order to scare people, though Clinton pointed out that Medicare is single-payer and quite successful.

Trump continued to dissemble throughout the debate, telling a Muslim woman that many people had seen bombs in the house of the San Bernadino terrorists and did not report it (there is no evidence for this) and that the U.S. has the highest taxes in the world (far from it!).  Trump also showed aspirations to becoming a dictator, like he is in business, by putting Clinton in jail while he also said she had never done anything , apparently not realizing she was just a Senator with little individual power.  Meanwhile, he attacks Obama for his executive orders.  And when confronted with his own words Trumps simply denies he ever said it, whether it was about a beauty queen' s non-existent sex tape or his original support for the war in Iraq.

Clinton tried to talk about policy and inclusion but was repeatedly interrupted by Trump, who accused her of being "a liar with hate in her heart," though it was unclear as to what he was referring (perhaps her ill-timed but correct description of Trump's supporters as "deplorable").  Trump even said he did not communicate with his running mate, who claimed that Trump had changed his mind about banning Muslims from coming to the U.S., though Trump's position on this is unclear.

And education was barely mentioned at all, except for Trump's claim that African-Americans do not have good schools in their neighborhoods, though he didn't offer to do anything about it, suggesting that people should vote for him because "what have you got to lose?"  I'm sure for many of us that is not just a rhetorical question.

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