Friday, May 20, 2016

Megan Kelly and Donald Trump

The only thing I will say about Megyn Kelly's absurd interview the other night with Donald Trump on Fox -- in which each tried to prove how more powerful than the other they were -- is:  why ask questions if one is not prepared to follow through?  When Kelly asked Trump his favorite movie and Trump said "Citizen Kane" Kelly did not follow up at all, when she easily could have asked what he liked about that movie about a powerful man who was his own worst enemy and treated the women in his life badly (I would not expect any appreciation of its innovative style from either person)  When she asked his favorite book he said "All Quiet on the Western Front" and again she did not follow up, when she could easily have asked why someone as militaristic and belligerent as he is liked Remarque's novel about WWI, perceived by many as anti-war.  My educated guess is that Trump has not seen Welles's movie or read Remarque's book and, judging by Kelly's non-response to each of Trump's answers she has not seen the movie or read the book either!

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