Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Republican Debate Feb. 13,2016

My favorite moment in the debate came when Carson, in his closing statement, used a made-up quote from Stalin, Carson claiming that Stalin said all one needed to do to overthrow America is undermine its spirituality, morality and patriotism.  Carson seemed to be suggesting that if you don't agree with him on the issues you must be some kind of communist.  One wonders how many listeners to the debate were even sure who Stalin was.
Could it be that there are too many debates?  Bush, Rubio, Cruz and Trump spent most of their time sniping at each other and calling each other liars, even though they all agree on lower taxes, repealing Obamacare, building a big wall to keep out immigrants, bombing ISIS back to the stone age and delaying the appointment of a Supreme Court justice until they can appoint one who will rule against abortion.  Kasich tried to rise above the fray and urged a "consensus" while Carson stayed out of it, in his own world as usual.
Lowlights included:
Carson said the government was evil, not the rich people.
Trump said Cruz was "the biggest liar." 
Everyone said how great Ronald Reagan was and how they were more like him than the other candidates.
Bush wants to "replace Obamacare" but had no suggestions as to how or with what.
Rubio referred to "me and my family" and wants to give parents tax credits, as long as the parents are "one man and one woman."
Trump said, a number of times, "we have to take care of our people" without defining to whom he was referring and said he could easily improve Social Security by getting rid of "waste. fraud and abuse."

In this debate Kasich seemed the one relatively reasonable and rational person, even being able to accept that the government could have a role in helping those who had no health insurance.  He also pointed out the role that the West had in causing some of the problems in the Middle East by the way in which the area was divided up after World War I.

Once again unions were not mentioned,  with the solutions for helping the middle class including getting rid of regulations (again, no specifics were mentioned) and bringing back jobs from China and Mexico, though no one made it very clear how one could accomplish this.

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